We will not accept cash for comment. All paid content will be declared, or made obvious that it’s paid content, so that our followers are clear on what is our own work and what is paid for. This is THE most important part of our policy.

All paid posts on our social media will be declared with relevant hashtags like #ad #spon #promo or via a link to a blog post where disclosure is made.

You can be assured that if there’s no declaration it is our own organic work. We will not give any form of rating and will not offer our own technical opinion on any paid material.

All comments made on our social media remain unless they are deemed offensive.

All wines that are featured as a review/tasting on Blue Collar Wine Review have been tasted by Dave and Marilou. We won’t ever review a wine that we haven’t tasted personally!

If you would like us to feature your wine – the best way is to have us taste it! How do you get us to taste it? Simple… by sending us a sample. And if we are traveling in your area… simply invite us to your vineyard/winery or restaurant for a tasting and we’ll most likely video a show on your location (good or bad review). When sending samples… please include information on the vineyard/winery, wine, and any other information you deem pertinent for the samples sent.

Please note: It is our goal to review wine $30 USD and under, however there will be special episodes for special occasions with higher priced wines.

Where to send samples/invitations: contact us at [email protected] and we will send you our address details.

Thank you and looking forward to tasting and review your wine!

Dave and Marilou